Travis Nelson
Tacoma Power

Jim Chandler
Idaho Power

Leska Fore
Seattle City Light

Doug Young
U.S. Forest Service



This session will holistically look Ecosystem Approach to Licensing and Implementation through a coffee talk type discussion among experts including those who work on ecosystem based relicensing, stakeholder engagement, and a case study example.

Who should attend:
Natural Resource and Licensing Teams

Why you should attend:
The panel will be discussing current and recent license proceeding approaches that have used an Ecosystem Based Approach with examples of projects to address license conditions and methods to engage with your stakeholders

Travis Nelson, Hydro License Manager, Tacoma Power


  • Jim Chandler, Fish and Water Quality Manager, Idaho Power
  • Leska Fore, Skagit License Assistant Manager, Environment, Land and Licensing, Seattle City Light
  • Doug Young, Regional Energy Program Manager, U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region


Speaker Bios:

  • Travis is a seasoned professional with over 25 years of experience in natural resources with 15 of those years being in renewables. Most of those 15 years were working within the original renewable - "HYDRO". He holds a master's in business and a bachelor's in biology but is happiest holding a nice salmon! He serves as an NWHA Washington Director and chairs the Natural Resources Committee. Travis is passionate about people, hydro and the natural environment that connects all of us together in a community of humanity, even if the news on the TV tells us otherwise!

  • Leska Fore coordinates planning, logistics, implementation, communication, and finances for the Skagit Hydroelectric Project license and for the ongoing FERC relicensing process. Previously, as president of Statistical Design, she developed ecological based monitoring programs for state water resource agencies. At Puget Sound Partnership, a Washington state agency, she developed an effectiveness monitoring program designed to evaluate the outcomes of habitat restoration efforts. Leska has served as a journal editor and manuscript referee for more than 20 scientific journals, and her publications have been cited over 1,500 times. She has an MS in Quantitative Ecology from the University of Washington and an MA in Organizational Development from Seattle University.

  • Jim Chandler- BS - Colorado State University and MS University of Idaho - go vandals! Currently is the Manager for Fish and Water Quality Programs for Idaho Power. Has been with Idaho Power for 34 years working on relicensing and compliance of several FERC licenses. Primary focus has been on fish and water quality issues associated with the Hells Canyon Complex for the majority of his career.

  • Doug Young holds a BS in Fisheries Science from Colorado State University and; a MS Fisheries from Humboldt State University. His professional career includes 4 years Endangered Fish Biologist for Bureau of Reclamation, 22 years Endangered Fish Biologist and Energy Program Manager for US Fish and Wildlife Service; 8 years Regional Planner and Regional Energy Program Manager for US Forest Service, where he is currently overseeing hydropower and other energy projects and programs across National Forests in Washington and Oregon.