Educate the next generation about hydropower

NWHA has recently launched the Hydropower Ambassadors program to facilitate NWHA Members in taking a more active role in educating the next generation – our children and grandchildren - on the value, benefits, and importance of hydropower in the region.
What are Hydropower Ambassadors? They are industry volunteers who give in-person (or virtual if need be) presentations to students, advise educators on industry realities and real-world applications, and support career-connected STEM education activities like engineering challenges, career fairs, or other STEM activities. Ambassadors will collaborate with members of the NWHA to access many existing resources available in the region and nationally, as well as find support and connections to facilitate getting real folks working in hydropower engaging with educators and students.
How can I get involved?
- Sign up as an interested party to receive updates about Hydropower Ambassadors and be on our list to reach out to as needs arise to present.
- Review Ambassador Tips and Tricks Doc.
- Watch the Hydropower Ambassadors 2021 Training: In partnership with CE and the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, we recorded a session to connect you with tools and best practices on how to get involved with your local school. You can watch the training here.
- Print out this checklist to have ready for when you reach out to a teacher.
- Reach out to a local school, introduce yourself and offer to help in a classroom with STEM education.
- Secure the materials that you will need to have ready for the presentation or activity.
- Present!
- Tell us how it went and what other resources we can help get for you. We are looking forward to recognizing Ambassadors at our events as outstanding stewards of hydropower.
Classroom resources
Click here for the checklist to have ready before reaching out to a school.
Click here for hydropower resources by grade level.
Click here for a PowerPoint template to help guide your presentation.
Click here for classroom resources, coloring pages, and other materials.