Catrin Bryan
McMillen Corp.

Sharon Roach
Mead & Hunt

Katie Clarkson

Carie Mourin
Avista Corp.



The implementation of the new Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) guidelines is impacting dam safety management for FERC licensees. Though the changes aim to enhance dam safety and serve as a crucial step towards ensuring public safety and mitigating potential hazards, they have presented various challenges and issues for dam owners, regulators, and engineers.


The panel includes three speakers, a licensee presenting a case study of a completed comprehensive assessment Part 12D, and an engineering consultant with expertise in Part12Ds under the old and new guidelines, and a representative from FERC will provide an update on their assessment of the new program.


Topic #1 – Overview of challenges and what they’re doing to address them - Katie Clarkson, FERC

Topic #2: Case Study – Observations from the Independent Consulting Team Perspective - Sharon Roach, Mead & Hunt

Topic #3: Case Study - Inspection Plan, Pre-Inspection Periodic Inspection Report, for a Comprehensive Assessment Part12D - Carie Mourin, Avista Corp. 


Catrin Bryan, Principal Engineer Dam Safety, McMillen Corp.


  • Sharon Roach, Chief Dam Safety Engineer, National Market Leader- Dams & Hydro, Mead & Hunt
  • Carie Mourin,  Hydro Compliance Manager, Avista Corporation
  • Katie Clarkson, Supervisory Civil Engineer, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


Speaker Bios:

  • Catrin Bryan has over 33 years of management and engineering experience and has extensive power facility management and dam safety expertise. She is a contributing author for dam monitoring and inspection guidance, teaches dam safety workshops, and acts as the Chief Dam Safety Engineer (CDSE) for several utilities.  She served as President of the Canadian Dam Association and is serving a second term on the Northwest Hydro Association Board. She has completed over 40 dam safety reviews or Part12s; and as a utility manager, she led a multi-million-dollar operations and capital program and was responsible for managing all aspects of hydro plant generation including capital improvements and O&M, long-term planning, FERC license article implementation, and working with staff, the public, and elected Boards.
  • Sharon Roach is a licensed civil engineer specializing in dam safety regulations, operations, maintenance and inspections. She has worked for owners, regulators and is now as a consultant.
  • Katie Clarkson earned her Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering at Columbia University and Master's degree from Portland State University. Katie started as an intern in FERC's New York Regional Office and has worked as a civil engineer in FERC's Portland Regional Office for over 18 years.
  • Carie Mourin has spent over twenty years at Avista, with most of that time focusing on Gas and Electric Operations side of the business, specifically Emergency Dispatch. In August of 2022 Carie changed roles, moving to the Environmental Affairs department with a focus on Hydro Public Safety and Dam Safety. One of her first assignments was to help prepare and participate in the Comprehensive Assessment for Noxon Rapids HED which was a significant effort, reminding her of her Emergency Dispatch days of hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.