Nic Dehlinger
GE Vernova

Stuart Cohen
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Michael Manwaring

Troy Miller
GE Vernova



There are many benefits to Pumped Storage Hydro – lowest carbon footprint of energy storage systems, best for long duration energy storage, fast reacting, flexible, but still not being built in the US.  This panel will explore the benefits as well as the barriers needed to unlock development.

Who should attend:
Generation, Transmission, Owners Operators, System Operators, and Water Management teams. 

Why you should attend:
Lessons on how pumped storage can support the energy transition.

Nicolas Dehlinger Ph.D., Hydro Services Manager , GE Vernova


  • Stuart Cohen, Energy System Analyst, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, PSH Life Cycle Assessment
  • Mike Manwaring,Regional Sector Lead, Energy, Stantec, Barriers to PS in the US 
  • Troy Miller, Senior Sales Manager, GE Vernova


Speaker Bios:

  • Nic Dehlinger holds an Electrical Engineering degree from Université de Belfort Montbéliard in France and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Université Laval in Canada. Nic started in the Hydro industry in 2010 with Alstom, as a generator designer. Nic has since worked for various equipment manufacturer and service provider in the Hydro industry. Nic rejoined GE in 2021 as a Hydro Services Manager in Colorado, where he helps Western customers fixing old hydro equipment and upgrading it for the next 100 years.
  • Stuart Cohen is an energy system analyst at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory who leads a variety of projects around electric sector decarbonization, with focuses on hydropower, climate change impacts, and electricity-water sector interactions. His hydropower work began with long-term grid modeling for the 2016 DOE Hydropower Vision and now spans pumped storage hydropower resource assessment, cost modeling, lifecycle analysis, and grid investment and operations modeling.
  • Michael Manwaring serves as Stantec’s Western US Sector Lead for Energy Projects, where he brings over 25-years of technical experience in the power and water infrastructure industry. He has a deep understanding of hydropower, energy storage, and water resource projects, and over the past 15 years has become a recognized industry expert on pumped storage projects. Mike typically focuses on the strategic planning, licensing, and engineering design for new pumped storage, and has worked on over 20 projects across North America in the pumped storage development pipeline. He has also supported the hydropower and energy storage industry for over a decade, including serving on the Board of Directors for the Northwest Hydroelectric Association (NWHA), National Hydropower Association (NHA), and the Hydropower Foundation. He served as the Chair of NHA’s Pumped Storage Development Council for six years, and has supported multiple U.S. Department of Energy technical and policy studies related to pumped storage.
  • Troy Miller is the Director, North America for Solar and Storage Solutions at GE Vernova. He has nearly 15 years of experience in the Energy Storage industry and has lengthy experience in the application and implementation of hybrid generation, renewable energy, power electronics and microgrids.  He has been involved with more than 3GWh of Energy Storage projects in the US, Canada, UK and Australia