Gary Ivory
Douglas County PUD

Chris Green

Tim "TJ" Ferreira
Grid SME



The transformation of electrical generation to renewable intermittent resources including wind and solar in the Northwest creates strains on the ability to have sufficient generation to meet load demands at all times.   This session will focus on the northwest resource adequacy and the role of hydro. 

This panel is within the Hot Topics at the conference. 
This is a general interest topic relevant to anyone working in the Northwest.

Abdel Hagar, Project Manager - Energy, McMillen


  • Gary Ivory, General Manager, Douglas County PUD
  • Chris Green, President, PNWH2
  • Lisa Stites, Lead Financial Analyst, Grant County PUD
  • Tim "TJ" Ferreira, Senior Process & System Architect, Grid SME


Speaker Bios:

  • Dr. Abdel Hagar is a specialist engineer and project manager for the energy projects in the utility industry. With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Hagar specializes in the integration of renewables and storage resources. His expertise include the interconnection and development of large hydroelectric plants such as Site C in British Columbia, Canada.
  • Gary Ivory has an Accounting Degree and an MBA from Washington State University. He worked for the Washington State Auditor’s Office before joining Douglas PUD in 1997. He worked as the District’s Chief Accountant, Auditor and Treasurer before being named General Manager in July 2017. Gary recently served on the boards of the Pacific Northwest Renewable Hydrogen Association and the Washington Green Hydrogen Alliance.
  • Tim "TJ" Ferreira began working in western energy markets in 1998 with Northern California Power Agency. He spent 9 years designing the second California energy market that went live in 2009. Since 2011, he primarily teaches entities how to best interact with the western energy markets.
  • Chris Green is the President of the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association, where he is responsible for executing on PNWH2’s vision to create a clean hydrogen ecosystem in partnership with labor, Tribal Nations, and public and private sectors in the Pacific Northwest. Chris comes from the Washington State Department of Commerce, where he served as Director for the Office of Economic Development and Competitiveness from 2015 to 2024. Before assuming the role of President, he served as PNWH2’s Board Chair from its inception in 2022 to June 2024.
  • Lisa Stites has thirty years' experience as an electric utility analyst, providing modeling support for finance, generation and power modeling functions. In her current role she's the coordinator of the team responsible for producing Grant County PUD's biennial integrated resource plan.