PANEL #19 The Path to Hydropower Decommissioning Wednesday, February 26, 2025 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
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Jeremy Somogye Eugene Water and Electric Board
Kim Ognisty Pacific Gas & Electric
Todd Olson PacifiCorp
Nuria Holmes Camas Consulting
As hydropower infrastructure ages and environmental priorities shift, the conversation around decommissioning hydropower projects has gained increasing importance. This panel will provide an in-depth exploration of the various factors that can influence the decision to decommission hydropower facilities, as well as the complex journey from initial decision-making to the physical removal of dams. Participants will gain valuable insights into the intricate regulatory frameworks that guide the decommissioning process, the crucial role of stakeholder engagement, and the need to balance the interests of diverse groups. The panel will also discuss the challenges and opportunities that arise, such as sediment management, habitat restoration, and the economic and community impacts on the path to dam removal.
This Panel is within the Regulatory and Policy Track at the conference. This session is a 201-level discussion for those looking to take a deeper dive into this subject matter.
Moderator: Jeremy Somogye, Engineering Planner, Eugene Water and Electric Board
Panelists Bios: