PANEL #16 Asset Management: Challenges with Securing Capital Upgrade Funding Wednesday, February 26, 2025 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
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Russ Seiler Grant County PUD
Prioritizing operations and maintenance and capital asset investment requires a balanced approach with considerations of safety, environmental impact and mitigation, reliability, efficiency gains, and regulatory requirements. Prioritizing within a business unit as well as in a corporate structure can often be challenging. Developing and implementing tools such as asset strategies, condition assessments, life expectancy, and outage planning help corporate asset management bring a diverse set of decision-makers together at the corporate level. This session will focus on best practices to prioritize and document asset investment choices.
This Panel is within the Technical, Dam Safety, and Engineering Track at the conference. This is a general interest topic relevant to anyone working in the Northwest.
Moderator: Russ Seiler, Senior Manager of Asset Management, Grant County PUD
Speaker Bios: