PANEL #10 Navigating the Changes in the Hydropower Landscape Wednesday, Feb 7, 2024 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
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Matt Love
Cascadia Law Group
Wyatt Golding Ziontz Chestnut
Chris Fontecchio NOAA
Richard Roos Collins Water and Power Law Group PC
The hydropower industry is facing monumental changes that impact not only the FERC licensing process but also project operations. Through a lighting round approach, this session will focus on the hot topics that are driving these changes that are currently impacting NWHA members. The session will include experts in the field from the hydropower industry as well as federal resource agencies and tribal representatives. Through a quickly-paced question-and-answer session, these experts in the field will provide their opinions and perspectives on the changing landscape.
Who should attend: Natural Resource Managers, Utility Leaders, Community Engagement, and Government Relations Specialists.
Why you should attend: The monumental changes facing Northwest Hydropower create risks and opportunities for our industry. Understanding these changes and how they impact you is a key to successfully navigating these changes.
Moderator: Matthew Love, Partner, Cascadia Law Group LLP
Panelists Bios: